saved searches Archives - OdeBlog Business Technology and Talent Solutions Tue, 17 Dec 2024 22:31:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 saved searches Archives - OdeBlog 32 32 Pointers to Follow While Building NetSuite Saved Searches Tue, 17 Dec 2024 22:31:50 +0000 Here are 5 key pointers to adhere to while creating a saved search in NetSuite. 

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The NetSuite navigational tool, saved search, is a reusable search definition that includes advanced filters and display options. Compared to NetSuite Reports, NetSuite Saved Searches serve as a powerful tool for users looking to streamline their reporting processes and enhance data analysis capabilities.

However, with exclusive advantages come exclusive shortfalls – and NetSuite Saved Searches are no short of these too.

To overcome these default pitfalls- here are 5 key pointers to adhere to while creating a saved search in NetSuite. 

5 Key Pointers to Follow While Building NetSuite Saved Searches in Oracle NetSuite

1. Avoid Mis-matched Criteria and Filters

Entering contradicting data in criteria and filters can result in data output mishap of the saved search created.

For example – Creating a saved search to understand yearly sales achieved by a salesperson in FY 23-24. However, there at the same time, there was a filter put in Year =current year which means only 2024.

Thus, this becomes a case of conflicting criteria and filters resulting in improper data release. 

2. Use Relevant Saved Search Type

There are ‘N’ numbers of NetSuite Saved Searches that can be created. Each Saved Search comes under a series of sub-topics a search may be required for.

For example – You cannot find all options you need for a Customer Saved Search from a Sales Transaction Saved Transaction.

The results tab list, you need to build in a Customer Search will always have customer specific values which will not be available in a General Transaction Search.

Each record will have its own version of Saved Search Criteria, Filters and Results list.

3. Keep a Check on Formula Entered

Not every user is proficient in using the available NetSuite option to achieve desired results using formulas. More often users tend to enter wrong formulas and might get the simultaneously wrong related result record or would get an ‘Invalid Syntax’ error which is in itself non-self-explanatory error and leaves the user clueless about the exact error in the formula.

4. Avoid Misleading Formulas

Apart from the text formulas which require at most precision to case and syntax, numerological formulas can also turn toxic.

For example, even though anything divided by 0 will result in 0 in our routine calculations, NetSuite throws a direct error.

Because of this, we need to be careful with the formulas and the numerical values inputs in NetSuite to avoid these situations.

5.Correct Formula Field Selection

Some fields need text while some might need numeric values. Selecting wrong formats in the formula column will result in errors.

Thus, we need to be sure of the data value selection in the formula columns and reduce the avoidable errors.


While building saved searches can be a boon for critical business reporting requirements, adhering to the inbuilt saved search rules and following a holistic approach for data inputs can significantly improve an overall saved search output experience!

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NetSuite Reports vs Saved Searches Tue, 10 Sep 2024 12:00:00 +0000 To learn the difference between Reports and Saved Searches in Oracle NetSuite, view our comparison chart below.

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Finding more efficient ways to retrieve and present business data is crucial for businesses operations. Oracle NetSuite’s navigation tools make analyzing real-time data a breeze through customizable dashboards and efficient workflow management. Two essential tools to help find, analyze, and show data in NetSuite are Reports and Saved Searches.

workers pointing at computer

Reports and saved searches are both great analytical tools that have a huge importance for NetSuite decision making function. However, both tools comes with their own pros and cons, with their main intention of drilling down output for details and customizing this output in the best possible manner to display data visually.

To learn the difference between Reports and Saved Searches in NetSuite, view our comparison chart below.

What is NetSuite Reports?

NetSuite’s Recent Records feature shows the last 12 records accessed or worked on by the user. This is especially useful if you forget a specific action taken on a record or need to quickly return to a previously viewed record.

What is NetSuite Saved Search?

A saved search is a reusable search definition that includes advanced filters and display options. Saved Searches offer valuable reporting and tracking capabilities and can be used for business analysis and strategic decision-making.

NetSuite Reports vs Saved Searches



Both the records and saved searches tools in Oracle NetSuite play crucial roles in analytical decision-making, each serving a unique purpose. Records provide detailed, real-time data on individual transactions or activities, offering insight into specific events and actions. This helps users track and manage individual records effectively. On the other hand, saved searches allow users to create reusable search definitions with advanced filters and display options. They enable efficient reporting and data analysis by aggregating and summarizing information from multiple records. Together, these tools enhance the ability to analyze and interpret data, facilitating more informed and strategic decision-making.

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