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Recognizing Online Contributions – OdeReward and OdeProfile

Let’s Chat About a Challenge We All Face Online

I often reflect on the online world we’re all a part of. Have you ever noticed how much time and effort we put into sharing knowledge, answering questions, and helping out in online communities? It’s amazing, really, how much we all contribute. But here’s the thing – do we ever feel truly recognized for all that effort? In this post I’ll present the very system we’ve taken in recognizing online contributions with OdeReward and OdeProfile.

The Unseen Issue in Our Digital World

It’s a bit ironic, isn’t it? We live in this incredible age of information where knowledge is just a click away, thanks to people like us who share what we know. But let’s be honest, how often do those insightful discussions, detailed answers, or helpful posts really get the appreciation they deserve? Most of the time, it feels like our contributions just vanish into the vastness of the internet.

Related Post: High-level NetSuite training is made easy with the OdeCloud community’s crowdsourced NetSuite expertise

OdeReward: Recognizing Your Online Contributions

That’s why we at OdeCloud started thinking about a solution. We asked ourselves: What if there was a way to truly reward the effort and knowledge people share online? And that’s how OdeReward was born. It’s not about turning everything into a competition or adding flashy badges everywhere. It’s about genuinely acknowledging the time and expertise you share.

OdeProfile: Your Efforts, Now Part of Your Story

Along with OdeReward, we’ve developed something called OdeProfile. Think of all those in-depth posts you’ve written or those times you’ve gone out of your way to help someone on a forum. These actions show your expertise, right? But until now, they haven’t really counted towards your professional growth. OdeProfile changes that. It’s a way to let your online contributions reflect on your professional identity, making your digital presence more meaningful.

Beyond recognizing your online contribution by showcasing your expertise, OdeProfile allows members of our platform attract best freelance projects and earn highest billable rates in their industry.

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A Step Towards Fairness in the Digital Realm

We’re not claiming to have all the answers or that OdeReward and OdeProfile will solve every issue related to online engagement. But it’s a start, a step towards recognizing and valuing the contributions that each of us make to the online community. It’s about giving a little back to those who give so much.

Join Us in Rethinking Online Engagement

Feel free to connect with me on Linkedin and start a conversation about this. How do you feel about the way your online contributions are currently valued? What does fair recognition look like to you? OdeReward and OdeProfile are just the beginning, and we’re excited to embark on this journey with you.

Stay connected, keep sharing, and let’s redefine what it means to contribute online.

Learn More — Forbes Releases Must-Read Feature Article About OdeCloud’s NetSuite Community

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Recognizing Online Contributions – OdeReward and OdeProfile

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This is where network related content goes – Using OdeSocial, Events, Meetup, Coach, Hiring, Mentorship etc.


Be inspire and inspire others – He are thoughts on things we care about. Some personal projects we are really proud of. And many other things that makes OdeCloud very unique.


Life isn’t always about work and it should be. These are the things that complete us. We are also human after all.


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