NetSuite Company Prioritizes Sustainability & Providing Life’s Essentials
CEO Osar Iyamu discusses how he aims to push his NetSuite consultancy towards the values described in Kate Raworth’s doughnut economics.
CEO Osar Iyamu discusses how he aims to push his NetSuite consultancy towards the values described in Kate Raworth’s doughnut economics.
Before we begin, I will give an overview of the general concept of Expert-as-a-Service (ExaaS).
What is IAS 16? IAS 16 – referred to International Accounting Standard 16, outlines the
(Originally posted to by OdeCloud’s Ahad Arain) (Updated Oct. 18, 2021) For many day
CEO Osar Iyamu discusses how he aims to push his NetSuite consultancy towards the values described in Kate Raworth’s doughnut economics.
OdeCloud CTO & Co-founder, Vanielle Lee, discusses what she has learned over the years while
Learn the most needed Financial KPIs to look for a growing startup industry
Excel in multiple fields such as operational optimization, project management, logistic and supply chain management,
This is where work related content goes – knowledge on business technology, productivity tools and hacks, career and personal growth.
This is where network related content goes – Using OdeSocial, Events, Meetup, Coach, Hiring, Mentorship etc.
Be inspire and inspire others – He are thoughts on things we care about. Some personal projects we are really proud of. And many other things that makes OdeCloud very unique.
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Have a great rest of your day!
OdeCloud team.